Archiwum 14 lipca 2003

lip 14 2003 Prawie zdrowy psychicznie
Komentarze: 5

Niedawno zrobilem sobie test na zaburzenia psychiczne - oto wyniki:

Schizotypal Moderate
Many believe that schizotypal personality disorder represents mild schizophrenia. The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving, and individuals with this disorder often seek isolation from others. They sometimes believe to have extra sensory ability or that unrelated events relate to them in some important way. They generally engage in eccentric behavior and have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. Their speech is often over elaborate and difficult to follow.

Ogolnie chodzi o to ze mam delikatna schizofrenie.Szukam sobie izolacji, mam wrazenie, ze posiadam lekko nadprzyrodzone zdolnosci sensoryczne (zawsze uwazalem sie za skrajnie empatyczna osobe). Moja mowa jest szybka i czasem trudna do zrozumienia, inni czasem maja problemy z podazaniem za potokiem slow.

Narcissistic Moderate
Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by self-centeredness. Like histrionic disorder, people with this disorder seek attention and praise. They exaggerate their achievements, expecting others to recongize them as being superior. They tend to be choosy about picking friends, since they believe that not just anyone is worthy of being their friend. They tend to make good first impressions, yet have difficulty maintaining long-lasting relationships. They are generally uninterested in the feelings of others and may take advantage of them.

Ogolnie chce na siebie zwrocic uwage. Bardzo starannie i ostroznie dobieram sobie przyjaciol, musza sobie zasluzyc na to miano (zrozum Graver). Robie dobre pierwsze wrazenie, ale mam problemy z utrzymaniem znajomosci na dluzsza mete. Jedno wiaze sie z drugim - utrzymuje i angazuje sie tylko w znajomosci z ludzmi, ktorzy IMO na to zasluguja.

To tak w skrocie... ogolnie oba zaburzenia maja wartosc "srednia", wiec chyba jakos znacznie na mnie nie wplywaja. Badz co badz, uznaje, ze jestem prawie zdrowy psychicznie. A wy, co o tym sadzicie?

sopel : :